Lecture Series 2009

The 2009 Lecture Series, our first, was held at the Boston Public Library. These lectures were not recorded.


April 28, 2009. The Truth about Black Holes
Dan Evans, PhD., MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research


May 19, 2009. The Search for Planets beyond the Solar System
Irene Porro, PhD., MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research


June 16, 2009. Understanding How Life Began
Alonso Ricardo, PhD., Szostak Lab, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital.


August 18, 2009. The Restless Earth
Paul Hall, PhD, Department of Earth Sciences, Boston University


September 15, 2009. Notes from the Wildlife Hot Zone
Bryan Windmiller, PhD. Ecological Consultant; Founder, Hyla Ecological Services, Concord, MA


October 20, 2009. The Jurassic Genome
Chris Organ, PhD., Harvard University Dept of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology

November 17, 2009. Reanimating Ancient Plants
Jonathan Wilson, PhD. Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology


January 19, 2010. *In Pursuit of the Gene: From Darwin to DNA
James Schwartz, Author