Massive Galaxies: Where and How They Form
Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations
April 15, 2014 Belmont Media Center, Belmont MA
Arjun Dey, PhD, Astronomer, National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Dey is a 2013-14 Research Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study in Cambridge Massachusetts. He is an expert on galaxy evolution, high redshift galaxies, and large-scale structures in the universe. His many discoveries include one of the earliest galaxies in the universe.
In this discussion Dr. Dey describes how astrophysicists, using powerful telescopes and advanced technologies, penetrate the most remote areas of the universe to analyze massive galaxies. He explains how large-scale structures in the cosmos provide information about the distribution and the nature of dark matter -and clues about dark energy.