The Social Context of Science
Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations
January 13, 2015, Belmont Media Center, Belmont MA
David Kaiser, PhD, Germeshausen Professor of the History of Science and Department Head of Program in Science, Technology, and Society; Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Award-winning scholar, researcher, professor and author (How the Hippies Saved Physics), David Kaiser talks about the relationship between science and culture. Examples include the development of physics in the United States during the Cold War, and the impact of cultural mentality on scientific research. We learn how scientific developments have shaped --and reshaped-- our worldview, and how science education is changing as a result. Dr. Kaiser also discusses his current research on early-universe cosmology: the interface of particle physics and gravitation, the subject of his November New York Times article Is Quantum Entanglement Real?.
David Kaiser on The Evolving Culture of Engagement
Dr. Kaiser on A Tale of Two Textbooks: Experiments in Genre
David Kaiser, New York Times Nov 06, 2015 How Politics Shaped General Relativity