Living Dirt: Soil’s Microbe Ecosystems
Science for the Public: Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations
May 10, 2021 zoom-recording by Belmont Media Center Community TV
Kristen DeAngelis, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Microbiology, University of Massachusetts-Amherst. the DeAngelis Lab
Dr. DeAngelis describes the soil microbes that keep soil alive and healthy, and importantly, why scientists consider these microbes at different scales: individual, community, and beyond. She discusses the complex interdependence of these microbial ecosystems and the larger environment --and climate--, a topic of much interest and concern in the era of climate change.
K. DeAngelis, G. Mhuireach, S. Ishaq. City Compost Programs Turn Garbage into ‘Black Gold’ That Boosts Food Security and Social Justice