Restoration of Severely Contaminated Lands
Science for the Public: Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations
May 10, 2011 Belmont Media Center, Belmont MA
Justin Hollander, Ph.D., AICP, Assistant Professor, Urban & Environmental Policy & Planning, Tufts University
Brownfields are land areas that have been rendered unusable as a result of hazardous contamination from industry, mining and other types of pollutants. Dr. Hollander discusses the different types of land damage and some of the techniques that have successfully restored previously polluted areas.
This kind of information is of great importance for many communities. Community officials and environmental activists will find Dr. Hollander's books on this subject to be very clear and helpful. See selected publications link below. Meet Justin Hollander, PhD, AICP
Professor Hollander’s interview on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal
selected publications, including titles for the general public