Carbon Capture and Conversion
Science for the Public: Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations
July 19, 2021 zoom-recording by Belmont Media Center Community TV
Sami Khan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
Khan Research Lab
Dr. Khan explains the why we must drastically reduce atmospheric CO2, and why carbon capture is a necessary part of that effort. Of the various methods for carbon capture, his project is considered very promising. The carbon capture and conversion system Khan and his colleagues have devised is more efficient and will produce useful products, such as non-polluting transportation fuels.
Dr. Khan's interdisciplinary approach to engineering solutions reflects a comprehensive perspective that is much needed for solutions to the climate change crisis.
some background (MIT News, Jan 25, 2021): Boosting the Efficiency of Carbon Capture and Conversion Systems