The Biological Mind

Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations
March 27, 2018 at Belmont Media Center, Belmont MA

Alan P. Jasanoff, PhD, Professor of Biological Engineering, Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Nuclear Science & Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Director of the MIT Center for Neurobiological Engineering. Dr. Jasanoff is also affiliated with the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT. Jasanoff Lab


Dr. Jasanoff discusses his book, The Biological Mind: How Brain, Body, and Environment Collaborate to Make Us Who We Are. In his new book and in this discussion, Dr. Jasanoff explains why the brain must be considered within its biological, natural and social environment. The mystical view of "mind" doesn't hold up.
The Jasanoff laboratory is developing a new generation of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) methods to study the neural mechanisms of behavior. Its principal focus is on the design and application of new contrast agents that may help define spatiotemporal patterns of neural activity with far better precision and resolution than current techniques allow.
Science News book review
Kirkus Review