Stem Cell Research and Communicating Science

Science for the Public: Contemporary Science Issues & Innovations
October 03, 2023 WGBH Forum Network webinar

Jonathan Garlick, D.D.S., Ph.D. Professor and Director, Division of Cancer Biology and Tissue Engineering, Tufts Medical School; Director, Science Communications; Professor; Director, Tufts Initiative in Civic Science
Garlick Lab

Dr. Garlick is recognized for the use of stem cells for tissue engineering to develop new treatments for oral health, cancer, scleroderma and complications of diabetes. He has established the Center for Integrated Tissue Engineering at Tufts to accelerate the discovery and clinical application of new drugs using 3D tissues. He has been equally committed to communicating science to the public. This discussion covers his pioneering stem cell research and his leadership in science communication.

In this discussion, he explains what we need to know about stem cell research, including a recent exciting innovation. He also discusses the need for quality communication about science in a time when we depend very much on science for medical advances.

Jonathan Garlick's August, 2014 article on communicating science
To Seek Common Ground on Life’s Big Questions, We Need Science Literacy

Boston Globe article about J. Garlick (02/03/2013) Tufts professor turns to rap to reach students

Dr. Garlick's TedXTufts (2013) presentation Humanizing the Science Conversation