Meet Frank Guenther, PhD

Science for the Public visited Professor Guenther's Neural Prosthesis Lab in 2012 to discuss with him and members of his lab The Neural Code for Speech.

Frank Guenther, PhD is a Professor in the Boston University Department of Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences and Biomedical Engineering; Director, Boston University Speech Lab and the Boston University Neural Prosthesis Lab; Associate Director of the Graduate Program for Neuroscience; and Academic Director, Computational Neuroscience PhD Program, Boston University.


Professor Guenther's background is comprehensive: it includes electrical engineering and neural systems science. He has put this background to use in his innovative work on computational modeling of speech processing and particularly a brain-computer interface that has received a great deal of praise. In the Neural Code for Speech video he discusses why researchers in this field must have both expertise in multiple fields and a willingness to develop new areas of expertise.